UN launches fresh appeal of over $800mln for Pakistan for ground assessment of flood situation


The United Nations has launched a fresh appeal of over eight hundred million dollars for Pakistan on the basis of updated on ground need assessment of the flood situation in the country.

Ceremonies to this effect were simultaneously held in Islamabad and Geneva.

Briefing the ceremony in Geneva, Minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman highlighted the steps taken by Pakistan for the rescue and relief of flood affected people.

She said the floods pose many complex challenges and it is a long relentless struggle. She said we are moving every available resource to life saving efforts.

Speaking on the occasion, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said the people of Pakistan are bearing the brunt of the world’s inaction to face climate change or prepare for its consequences.

He said we need to deliver shelter and essential household items to over two million families.

Martin Griffiths emphasized for standing with Pakistan at this difficult hour.

Director General of World Health Organization Dr. Tedros Adhanom gave an update on the health situation in the flood affected areas.

In his remarks, Minister for Economic Affairs Sardar Ayaz Sadiq emphasized for sustained and long term support on the part of world community to Pakistan recover from the climate induced calamity.

The Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman further said that Pakistan had sustained a complex and multi-sectoral exogenous shock to its economic body, and should not be expected to struggle alone in the frontlines of this climate apocalypse, while contributing less than one percent to the total global carbon emissions.

She outlined specific and urgent requirements in the areas of health, food security and rehabilitation.

Sherry Rehman echoed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres saying that it is not a question of solidarity but of climate justice.

The United Nations Pakistan Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Julien Harneis said we are now entering a second wave of death and destruction due to the floods.

He said that the new funds will go towards food security, health care, clean drinking water, and sanitation.

The Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children, Inger Ashingre called on the donors to step up and fully fund this lifesaving response. She praised the efforts of the government as well as the humanitarian network in Pakistan for their relief efforts.

The international community including UN member States, UN agencies, and international humanitarian organizations participated in the event and delivered statements of solidarity and support for the people of Pakistan, in the wake of the climate-induced catastrophe.

The Government of Pakistan, the United Nations, humanitarian and philanthropy organizations, and local communities have been working hard to provide assistance to flood-affected areas across Pakistan.

The international community has stepped forward with valuable assistance. This support has been in terms of multi-purpose cash, as well as the provision of healthcare, medicines, food, water, shelter, education, and protection.

However, despite all these efforts, the unprecedented nature of the floods has resulted in huge resource gap, which is hampering the relief efforts. International support is crucial in complementing the ongoing humanitarian operations, as part of solidarity, commitment, and burden sharing.


Source: Radio Pakistan