Cabinet Approves Extending Advanced Metering System Across the Country


The federal cabinet has approved extending the installation of the advanced metering system across the country. The advanced meters are currently being installed in Islamabad.

The federal cabinet, which met on Tuesday with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in the chair, also gave in-principle approval for the installation of advanced meters on transformers throughout the country to reduce line losses.

The cabinet was given a detailed briefing by the Power Division on power theft, line losses, and a comprehensive strategy to reduce these losses. The meeting was also briefed on power outages and recoveries of distribution companies (DISCOs).

The prime minister, while calling for a comprehensive plan to reduce line losses, constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Defense Minister Khawaja Asif to prepare recommendations for reforms in the DISCOs. The committee was directed to formulate a comprehensive action plan after consultation within two weeks and submit it to the cabinet.


The cabinet also approved measures to promote the use of low-cost solar energy as an alternative to expensive imported fuel. The measures include running existing power plants with solar energy during day time, allowing small-scale local private investors to install solar plants on 11 kV feeders in rural areas, and providing solar power to government buildings.

The cabinet also ratified the decisions taken during Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) meeting held on 17th October 2022.


Source: Pro Pakistan